Home security in a new apartment
First thing you should do is change the lock...right? Wrong! The first thing you should do is install an ip surveillance system that you can remotely monitor. If that seems a bit over the top let me start off with an anecdote as to why you should be shopping for one right now.
I recently moved into an apartment in the Downtown area and its nice really as so far as apartments are in the city its really nice. 1000 some odd square feet, wood floors, marble and stainless steel kitchen, tile bathroom, you get it...its nice and like all things nice it isn't cheap. In fact its more than most of my friends houses when you factor in the cable, electric bill and monthly UFC fight.
It's funny all along my rents were prodding me to buy a house. Their argument was a good one. "If you're going to spend that much on rent why not just buy a house and build equity in something?" But I thought I don't want to deal with the pains of owning a house...do I? Well I do now. It's been a dreadful experience living in this apartment. There has been no heat in my apartment for 10 out of the past 30 days. People it's Buffalo, and if you don't know already its cold...0 degrees kinda cold.
Maintenance workers have been in and out of my apartment for most of the month and the only reason I know this is because my front door has been left open a number of times and my year old English bulldog has been left to run around the apartment complex...shes nice (see abov...nice things don't always come cheap). So here in lies the sole reason why IP camera network security has found its way into my life, one word...negligence.
If I would have previously installed a ptz camera system throughout my entire apartment do you think maintenance workers would be walking around my apartment tracking mud all over the wood floors and my black leather couches? I think not.
If your looking to avoid maintenance workers freely meandering in and out of your apartment and watching your brand lcd you may want to think about just replacing that front door lock. Don't you have to give management a copy of that key anyway? What's the point then right? Well the point of having a network camera set up is that you can monitor your English bulldog puppy and all your other possessions from the comfort of your office or in that case any where on the planet.
I know assuming makes an ass out of people and it did to me once again. I assumed that the large management company that I rent from in Buffalo would be privy to the local tenant laws and rights to privacy...well obviously if they are sitting on my couch watching my television letting my bulldog run wild they are not as privy as I thought.
Ok, so I'm rambling a bit let me get back to basics...nanny cams, IP network cams, CCTV...they are all the same. The all have the same task and give or take they all function in similar ways. They protect. They over see. They watch. They watch when an owner can't. Whether you live in the country, in suburbia or in a high rise home security cameras are a modern day necessity in the ever escalating war on crime. They are a cornerstone to protecting your sanctuary...your home.
- They protect your children
- Cameras can protect your favorite sweat shirt or your wifes favorite earrings that cost you about 2 months salary.
- CCTV systems can protect your dog
- Bottom line network cameras can give you the power to watch over all of your possessions from anywhere on the planet.
- IP Network Cameras buy you peace of mind which is something that is not always possible